Monday, 6 August 2012

Time Line

Over the last few weeks I have been spending my time drawing for the first part of my Major Project. Seeing as my project is first and foremost about character design it is really essential that I nail the design stage of the project. As such I am trying to get out any and all ideas that I can in an effort to come up with something new and unique that looks super awesome. However in amongst all of that drawing I sat down to plan how long I should be spending on each stage of the production. 

This is important at this point because it dictates how long I can spend on each task. I believe it was someone working in Pixar who once said when asked how he knew a film was done, "A film is never finished, it just escapes". This is true with the majority of design projects I have worked on and as such it is integral to plan your time well. Hopefully this little plan will help keep my work on time and prevent me from unnecessarily rushing things and stop me having a ridiculous work load at the back end of the project.

Along with working out how long each task will most likely take I gave each an importance rating out of 10. The higher the score the more important it is to the completion of the project. As I said this is a character design project so that has a very high score, where as there are some tasks along the way which are optional. I'd love to get it all done so I present the best image of my work but also because some of it will be really fun to do or see, but plans go wrong, other things come up, and these optional tasks will be the ones to get cut if I need the extra time. 

You may also notice that some of the tasks at the very end have been removed to keep them a secret. These are some of the most optional tasks and the ones which will fall first if extra time is needed, but they are also some of the most fun ideas. If you want to see what they are then wish me luck in keeping on track, and stick around.

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